In the Gantt Chart view, the Layout dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 8-15.
To modify the layout, choose FormatOLayout. And, as you'll read in the next section, layout in the Network Diagram Chart view affects link lines and how Project handles page breaks. For example, in the Calendar view, layout affects the order in which Project lists multiple tasks on one calendar day and how it splits date bars. Note In views other than the Gantt Chart view, layout affects different elements. At the bottom of the dialog box, I added Baseline Duration to the bottom row of Normal tasks. Figure 8-14: In the table, I changed the number of rows for Normal tasks. Figure 8-13: Adding rows to each task can make your schedule easier to read. The layout of a Gantt Chart refers to the appearance of link lines, date formats used for information displayed near taskbars, the height of taskbars, and how Project displays certain characteristics of taskbars.